ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPERS, A STUDY or REVIEW should include: title page – headline, title of the paper, author(s), an institution where work was done, abstract (a short one), and keywords. The paper is to be divided into the following sections: introduction, methods and materials, results, discussion, references, tables, explanations, legends of figures. The paper should not exceed six standard pages, including tables, figures etc., and it should have an even number of pages (2, 4 or 6 pages).

Manuscript preparation
The manuscript must be written in English and should be supplied in the A4 format prepared in accordance with the Instruction to Authors and Sample of Manuscript. The manuscript must be prepared in grayscale; colour images are not allowed. Abbreviations and symbols used in the paper should be explained when used for the first time. The International System of Units (SI) and their abbreviations should be used.

Title page
The TITLE of the paper should express its aim and should not exceed 60 characters, including spaces. The text should not contain abbreviations and superfluous words (assessment, study, description, brief results, preliminary information, etc. Subheadings should not be used. Authors of the paper should be shown by their full first (Christian) and middle names and full third name (surname). Official workplaces of each author should be presented below their names and denoted by a number next to the authors’ names.

ABSTRACT: it should not contain more than 150 words. It should give the aim of the contribution, basic methodology (objects of the research, and research and analytical methods), principal findings (give specific data and their statistical significance), and the main conclusions. Authors should emphasise new and important aspects of their study and should use only generally known abbreviations. No publications or discussions of results are cited in the abstract.

Key words, not more than 6 words, should characterise the studied topic as well as possible and nouns given in the title must not be repeated.

The manuscript has several sections as follows:

INTRODUCTION – clearly presents the aim of the contribution. It summarises the essence of the research and gives only strictly limited references that support the state of the present knowledge. Quotations published in the text should coincide with the data in the list of references. Each contribution must contain this section. The chapter should be finished with a sentence describing the aim of the study, for example, „the aim of this study is…………..“.

MATERIALS AND METHODS – this section describes the subject of the research, observations and operating procedures sufficiently detailed to make them reproducible. The material used is defined accurately (species, varieties, breeds, machines, used chemicals, experimental sites, groups of animals, housing, procedures for measurements and evaluation, number of replications, used statistical methods and programmes. They also include characteristics of the experimental site and the weather pattern. There are also references to the methods used, including statistical methods. Type and manufacturer of devices should be given.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION – this section contains results in a logical sequence, as far as possible in tables, graphs, or illustrations, if required. Identical results cannot be presented in tables as well as in graphs. Only important observations should be emphasised or summarised. Results of statistical evaluation should be denoted clearly. Discussion should unambiguously express a comparison of the achieved results with the previous knowledge of the topic. It must clarify what is completely new in the presented results and where these results differ from the findings of other authors, and what they coincide with the published opinions. Discussion should emphasise the significance of the results and draw attention to the newly opened issues and the need for their solution.

CONCLUSIONS – sum up the new knowledge in contributions. The data presented in the results and discussion sections are not repeated in detail. The relationship between the achieved results and the aims of the research is shown. It is necessary to avoid unqualified ideas and conclusions that are not supported by the results. Recommendations, if necessary, should be presented. Each contribution should include the conclusions section.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS – the authors thank only those who significantly participated in the contribution. This section also includes the number and title of a grant or its provider or other funding institution.

The literature quoted should consist of works from reviewed scientific sources. Authors are presented in the manuscript by their surname and the year of publication in italics. If there are two authors, they are both listed, with more authors, only the first author is given, followed by the abbreviation “et al.”. In case of quotations of more publications by the same author/s within the same year – they are marked in the text and references by letters a, b, c, etc. The author is responsible for the accuracy of the presented literature when all publications quoted in the text are shown in the REFERENCES section (not “other authors”). They are given in alphabetical order according to the surname of the first author in capital letters, first names by initials; year of publishing is in parentheses, the title of quoted study after the colon, official abbreviation of the journal’s name, volume, number of pages or their extent. If the references are not in English, they must be translated into English, with a note in parentheses stating the original language of the contribution – e.g. in Russian.

Only APA citation style can be used in the manuscripts.

Papers in monographs and proceedings should be presented according to the following example:
Example of quotation in the text: …were described by B r o w n (1995, 1998), …reported by Reed et al. (1989) etc.
Study (Brown, Novak, & Kalous, 1995) was…… or research Study (Kabutey, et al., 1995) was…..

Kabutey, A., Herák, D., Chotěborský, R., Sigalingging, R., & Mizera, Č. (2015). Effect of compression speed on energy requirement and oil yield of Jatropha curcas L. bulk seeds under linear compression. Biosystems Engineering, 136, 8-13.

Divišová, M., Herák, D., Kabutey, A., Šleger, V., Sigalingging, R., & Svatoňová, T. (2014). Deformation curve characteristics of rapeseeds and sunflower seeds under compression loading. Scientia agriculturae bohemica, 45(3), 180-186.

Shigley, J. E., & Mischke, C. R. (1989). Mechanical engineering design. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Chapter in a book:
Herak, D., Kabutey, A., & Sigalingging, R. (2016). Mathematical Description of Non-linear Mechanical Behaviour of Materials Under Compression Loading, Case Study: Spruce Bulk Wood Chips. In The Latest Methods of Construction Design (pp. 405-409). Springer International Publishing.

Conference paper:
Nadvornikova, I., Verner, V., & Valesova, V. (2014). Coffee production in Indonesia: experience from small-scale producers, North Sumatra. In SGEM2014 Conference On Political Sciences, Law, Finance, Economics and Tourism (pp. 91-98). STEF92 Technology.